Kaabil total collection – final verdict

Kaabil total collection and final verdict: Kaabil feat Hrithik roshan and Yami gautam. The film has different genre but deep in blind.

kaabil total collection

Kaabil total collection

Opening day 10.43cr
Second day 18.67cr
Third Day 9.77cr
Fourth Day 13.54cr
Fifth Day 15.05cr
Sixth Day 6.04cr
Seventh Day 6.10cr
Eighth Day 5.70cr
Ninth Day 5.25cr
Tenth Day 6.40cr
Eleventh Day 9.22cr
Twelfth Day 11.88cr
Thirteenth Day 2.97cr
Fourteenth day 3.05cr
Lifetime Collection In India 126.86cr
Worldwide collection N/a

Disclaimer: we are not responsible for any inconvenience about box office results and manipulation. We received box office figures from the traders and different sources.

 Kaabil final verdict

Hit: it get profit from indian market.

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